So, I've joined a blogging group. I'm officially part of "Cake Slice Bakers". This group picks a new cake cookbook once a year, and democratically chooses a recipe to bake each month, which will be revealed on the 20th. Forgive my tardiness on this first month - I have procrastination standards to uphold, after all! And the stove I prefer to use (my father's) is currently located in his living room. But that's a whole 'nother story.
The book this year is "Southern Cakes" by Nancie McDermott. For our first cake, we baked Cinnamon Pecan Coffee Cake. Now, my dear friend Chrissy recently confessed to me an undying love for coffee cake (okay maybe not undying, but at least profound). She also happens to be quite allergic to nuts. Ergo, I decided my first scratch baking endeavour in ages should be additionally complicated by splitting it into two batches. But all in all, it did turn out pretty delicious.
My pans weren't the perfect size, I overcooked them slightly, and the with-nuts version had a bit of a bubbling over problem. But that's nothing three tablespoons of cinnamon in the filling didn't solve. So hey, maybe they ain't pretty, but Chrissy ate it up and her hubby Brian did too, and I'm guilty of at least a few slices myself. Or maybe more... Calories be damned.